Dog Heart Support

Monday 8 July 2019

Dog Treats Low in Sodium

CHF Low Sodium Dog Treats - 4 Things to Look For

CHF Low Sodium Dog treats are tasty snacks that can help your dog when they are experiencing heart disease of different types. A veterinarian may give a prescription for some special treats for heart health or suggest that you ensure your ailing dog only receives a special heart healthy treat that is low in sodium.

There are  4 Things to Look For when you choose a new low salt treat for your dog:

Salmon and other ingredients, that are rich in quality protein
A chewy option
A low calorie dog treat
No possible allergens like soy or wheat

Your dog with CHF can also benefit from supplements for CHF that take the strain off their heart.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts
Dragon fruit has numerous benefits for hair and skin. The fruit is even good for diabetics and may help to lower cholesterol. Dragon fruit is an attractive fruit that is red on the outside.

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts- Available at Markets
There are also some that are yellowish looking on the outside. It is popular in several countries, including the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand, where it is readily available in markets.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Malic acid peel- chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis- skin redness causes.

Malic acid peel- chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis- skin redness causes.

A perioral dermatitis chemical peel is one treatment option that is sometimes used with success. Everyone does not experience the same measure of success. However, it's worth talking about it with your dermatologist.

Perioral Dermatitis Chemical Peel

Chemical peels have been used to help men and women with a variety of skin conditions, including rosacea. Usually, the peel that is used for perioral dermatitis is very light. It's applied in a few minutes and takes a shorter time than some other chemical peels.

Salicylic acid and malic acid are used in the peel. If you try a chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis, your skin may have redness for a couple of days.
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OTC Numbing Cream for Waxing
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Saturday 22 June 2013

OTC Numbing Cream for Waxing

OTC Numbing Cream for Waxing

Is OTC numbing cream effective for waxing? Many women and men who have used it think so.

Numbing cream is a topical anesthetic used to reduce pain during waxing procedures.
It works by blocking the nerve signals in the skin, numbing the area where it's applied.
The primary active ingredient in numbing creams is typically lidocaine.
Lidocaine works by inhibiting the transmission of pain signals from the nerves to the brain.
Numbing creams come in various strengths, with higher percentages of lidocaine offering more potent numbing effects.
Before using numbing cream, it's essential to read and follow the instructions carefully.

It's usually recommended to apply the cream to the skin at least 30 minutes before waxing.
Some numbing creams require covering the area with plastic wrap after application to enhance effectiveness.
Numbing cream like this can be used for various waxing procedures, including bikini waxing, leg waxing, and facial waxing.
It's important to avoid getting numbing cream in your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Some numbing creams may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Performing a patch test on a small area of skin before using the cream extensively is advisable.
Numbing cream is commonly used in professional waxing salons to enhance client comfort.
It's also available over-the-counter for home use.
Numbing cream should not be used on broken or irritated skin.
Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult their healthcare provider before using numbing cream.

Some numbing creams are specifically formulated for certain areas of the body, such as the bikini area or face.
The duration of numbing effects can vary depending on the strength of the cream and individual factors.
In addition to lidocaine, numbing creams may contain other ingredients such as prilocaine or benzocaine.
Numbing cream should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
It's important to wash your hands thoroughly after applying numbing cream to avoid accidentally transferring it to sensitive areas.

Numbing cream should be used only as directed and not applied excessively.
Some people may experience temporary redness or swelling at the application site after waxing with numbing cream.
Numbing cream can be particularly helpful for individuals with low pain tolerance or those undergoing sensitive waxing procedures.
It's essential to check the expiration date of numbing cream before use to ensure its effectiveness.
Some numbing creams contain additional ingredients such as vitamins or soothing agents to help calm the skin.

Numbing cream should not be used on mucous membranes or areas with open wounds.
It's essential to remove numbing cream completely from the skin before waxing to ensure proper hair removal.
Numbing cream is not suitable for everyone, and individuals with certain medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider before use.
Some numbing creams have a slight numbing sensation upon application, while others may cause a more intense tingling or cooling feeling.

Numbing cream should not be applied to large areas of the body or for an extended period without medical supervision.
It's crucial to perform a skin sensitivity test before using numbing cream, especially for individuals with a history of allergies or skin reactions.
Numbing cream should be applied thinly and evenly to the skin for optimal results.
It's important to avoid using numbing cream on sunburned or damaged skin.
Numbing cream may interact with certain medications or medical conditions, so it's essential to disclose any relevant information to your healthcare provider.

Some numbing creams require a prescription, while others are available over-the-counter.
It's essential to choose a reputable brand of numbing cream from a trusted source to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Numbing cream should not be ingested or applied to areas where it could be accidentally ingested, such as the lips.
Numbing cream should be kept out of reach of children and pets.
If you experience any adverse reactions or unexpected side effects after using numbing cream, discontinue use and seek medical attention if necessary.   

Fulani Women with Traditional Facial Tattoos- via Wikimedia

Dr. Numb (On Amazon)- Deep Numb, Works Great

One of the most popular topical pain relievers in this category is Dr. Numb. These products are approved for minor surgical procedures and people have been able to do hours of tattooing or waxing comfortably this way. If you like waxing but hate the pain, this is one solution. Remember though, that over the counter numbing creams do not totally deaden the skin 100%, they just make your cosmetic work a lot less painful.