Dog Heart Support

Monday 8 July 2019

Dog Treats Low in Sodium

CHF Low Sodium Dog Treats - 4 Things to Look For

CHF Low Sodium Dog treats are tasty snacks that can help your dog when they are experiencing heart disease of different types. A veterinarian may give a prescription for some special treats for heart health or suggest that you ensure your ailing dog only receives a special heart healthy treat that is low in sodium.

There are  4 Things to Look For when you choose a new low salt treat for your dog:

Salmon and other ingredients, that are rich in quality protein
A chewy option
A low calorie dog treat
No possible allergens like soy or wheat

Your dog with CHF can also benefit from supplements for CHF that take the strain off their heart.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts
Dragon fruit has numerous benefits for hair and skin. The fruit is even good for diabetics and may help to lower cholesterol. Dragon fruit is an attractive fruit that is red on the outside.

Dragon Fruit Nutrition Facts- Available at Markets
There are also some that are yellowish looking on the outside. It is popular in several countries, including the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand, where it is readily available in markets.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Malic acid peel- chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis- skin redness causes.

Malic acid peel- chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis- skin redness causes.

A perioral dermatitis chemical peel is one treatment option that is sometimes used with success. Everyone does not experience the same measure of success. However, it's worth talking about it with your dermatologist.

Perioral Dermatitis Chemical Peel

Chemical peels have been used to help men and women with a variety of skin conditions, including rosacea. Usually, the peel that is used for perioral dermatitis is very light. It's applied in a few minutes and takes a shorter time than some other chemical peels.

Salicylic acid and malic acid are used in the peel. If you try a chemical peel as a treatment for perioral dermatitis, your skin may have redness for a couple of days.
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