Tuesday, 26 October 2021

How Appen Tasks Work

  Cash From Appen Tasks

You can earn up to $14 per hour by doing Appen Tasks. Pay for these micro tasks varies according to where you live and the type of project that you're working on.

Earn On ySense By Playing Games

If you like to play games, you can earn on ySense by doing so.

Income from Appen Tasks

  Cash From Appen Tasks

You can earn up to $14 per hour by doing Appen Tasks. Pay for these micro tasks varies according to where you live and the type of project that you're working on.

Earn On ySense By Playing Games

If you like to play games, you can earn on ySense by doing so.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Think critically

  Whenever you are told something or read something, always be aware that someone could be lying to you.

People unfortunately do tell lies in one in one conversations and when they're speaking to a lot of people.

 Don't assume that everything you hear, read or see in a platform is true or unbiased.

Ask yourself questions like:

Why are you telling me this?

Are you conveniently skipping any details?

Are you trying to trigger me?

Are you trying to persuade me towards a particular way of thinking?

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Can cats have beef jerky?

  Can older cats can have raw meat? If you have  been thinking about giving your cat raw fish, talk to your veterinarian about it.

Cats can usually adjust to a raw diet without problems at any age. Remember that your cat always needs meat in their regular diet. 

Cats cannot thrive at any age on a vegetarian diet. If you're feeding your cat with dehydrated meat, ensure that it is reconstituted with enough water. Dry food is not the best for elderly cats.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday, 18 October 2021

Fish benefits cats before surgery

  Cats can eat a lot of foods that humans can including fish. While it's not safe to give your cat lots of human foods without consulting your veterinarian, most veterinarians will agree that fish is a good option for cats at almost every stage of life.

Fish supplies cats with essential amino acids that they need to survive. Fish helps to build up their joints and ensure that your cat's brain is working properly.

Oily fish is especially good for your cat. Consider feeding them fish such as mackerel and tuna.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Clotrimazole for jock itch and other itching

  Clotrimazole can be used to treat some types of fungal skin infections. Fungal skin infections can occur in a variety of places on the body that are warm and wet 

Typically, fungal skin infections can be found on the armpits, groin and between your toes. Many fungal skin infections are caused by tinea or candida.

Clotrimazole may be found in a cream and in other formulations. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how long you should use Clotrimazole.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Excess salt dangerous for dogs

  If your dog has congestive heart failure, their veterinarian may have recommended changes to their diet. Other chronic conditions may also be present which can affect your dog's diet. It's important to adhere to the new changes in your dog's diet as much as possible because this has a positive effect on their health. 

Dogs that have congestive heart failure tend to retain chloride, sodium and water. This is why it's important to limit the intake of sodium and chloride through your dog's food. 

It may be difficult to do this with a regular food that's designed for adult dogs. However, since approximately 1/3 of dogs over the age of 10 have heart problems it's relatively easy to find special diets that are formulated with less sodium chloride (salt).


Cat ensure

Natural diuretics for dogs